Friday, May 10, 2013

Nice to meet y'all...

So I decided to start blogging... and this isn't my first attempt... or even my second... but that's ok.  I've been inspired by friends and loved ones about the value of blogging... not only for the writer but for the reader.  Allow me to introduce myself and my blog.

Introduction question #1... WHO am I?

answer:  I'm a woman who loves a lot of things... my husband, my family and friends, our sweet pups, and my Lord.  Some days I'm creative... some days I can't come up with a single interesting or original thought... but I am a THINKER... I analyze almost everything (even without knowing it sometimes)... I try to manage my risks... I'm not great with change unless I'm getting my hair cut... I really, really, really like coffee from this local shop near my office... I feel like I'm on the brink of a great big adventure... which is thrilling and incredibly frightening all at the same time... 

Introduction question #2... WHAT will I be blogging about? 

answer:  I don't know... I have ideas... but I'm not putting any limits on what I will or won't write about... the blog doesn't really have a specific focus... I am just going to share things that I want to share... and not share the things I don't... pretty simple.

Introduction question #3... WHEN will I blog?

answer: As often as the mood strikes or doesn't... which means, this could be my first blog of many... or this might be my only blog post ever... we will have to wait and see.

Introduction question #4... WHERE will I blog?

answer: Ummm... on my blog... duh. lol.  You are here, so you clearly know the web address ( but maybe you are wondering what's up with the name of my blog... well about a year ago I got married to the best man I know... he's the sweetest, kindest, most loving and generous person I have ever met... He is without a doubt my best friend and I am so incredibly thankful that God brought him into my life.  When we got married, I took his last name... Grohn... and I've always liked interesting words... words that mean one thing when you read them and then another thing when you hear them.  Well my new name, Grohn, is pronounced like the word "grown"... Webster's dictionary defines "grown" like this...

grown (adjective\ˈgrōn\)

: fully grown : mature <grown men and women>
: covered or surrounded with vegetation <land well grown with trees>
a : cultivated or produced in a specified way or locality —used   in combination <shade-grown   tobacco>
  b : overgrown with —used in combination <a weed-grown patio>

So I titled my blog "aGROHNLife" because I am growing up with this new name... becoming part of a new family... building my own family... God is cultivating me in a special way... and maybe I won't ever be completely "grown" up, but I love being "Grohn". 

Introduction question #5: WHY am I blogging?

answer: Because I want to... because blogging is a great way to share stuff with your family about happenings in your life... because its a great way to share advice (or opinions) that might just be read by someone who needs them... I am blogging because some times I have things to say, and this gives me a place to say them.  

Well it was nice to meet all of you... happy reading!
